Why work hard?
Contrary to popular belief, working hard for a a career isn’t something you should avoid by all costs. It’s quite simply some fo the most fulfilling work you can do. You get to be a part of creating the world we all live in and enjoy. Without us, the world we know would simply not exist! Here’s a link to a great short article for why to get into the trades https://www.malcoproducts.com/blog/top-5-benefits-of-choosing-a-career-in-the-skilled-trades/
Does this make us better than anyone else - NO! What it means is we have a much higher average of job satisfaction (73% or more by most poles) by being a blue collar woman or man. Some of the best jobs are blue collar jobs in construction or trades, pilots, instructors, hair dressers, massage therapists garbage removal, cleaners, servers, janitors and so many more. These are also some of the highest paying labour jobs. High pay, great job satisfaction - what more could you ask?
Being proud of what you do and accomplish is something so many people seek in their lives. It gives them purpose, direction and goals. Why do you think the great resignation is happening? People are tired of not feeling something from their jobs. They need purpose there too!
The biggest lie to have been sold -”If you don’t get a degree, you won’t be happy or get a good job!” Then why are so many people with degrees unhappy?! They were sold a lie. For some people, degrees do give them happiness and purpose - and I applaud those people as well. But for many, where by grade 10 you could hardly sit still in your seat - not because you were stupid but because you needed other stimulation. Stimulation that made you use both your brains and your hands - to actually build something, fix something, to bring into existence. History knows many, MANY of our modern luxuries where brought into reality by people without degrees. They were innovative, problem solving individuals whom took chances and built a better future!
I will pull no punches when I say what the Universities & Colleges have done to demean all other types of career choices is BULLSHIT! I am not saying we don’t need people with degrees in any sense. What I am saying is labour type jobs are just as important and you should be every bit as proud of your work as they are.
A partner site So Go Wo Wo (Someone’s Gotta Work Work) has many great videos on these types of careers and how to get into them if you are looking. We encourage you to have a look! https://www.youtube.com/c/SoGoWoWo
Be proud of what you do - the world needs you!